Our favourite technology

Technology plays an important role in our hearts and everyday lives. Started as a deep tech startup, we are always looking for the best tech approaches for your projects.

Below we would like to give you a little insight into which programming languages, frameworks, solutions, but also which principles we are on the road with and why.

And of course you should also get a little insight into our pride and joy - our wunschlösung code generators.

Our Tech Stack

We work with a top technology stack that we cherish and maintain. We keep our finger on the pulse of time, but don't run after every trend either.

We develop backends with Java and host with Docker.

For frontends, we rely on Angular, Vue.js or Nuxt, depending on the project.

For databases, we are flexible, but prefer to use No-SQL technologies like MongoDB and Elasticsearch.

But even with technology, one thing is important to us: it's an (extremely cool!) tool to make people's lives better, but not an end in itself.


The language of modern websites


Modern framework for robust web apps


Programming language for robust online backends


Flexible NoSQL database


Search server for fast and intelligent search


Container-System for hosting applications

Quick start thanks to code generators

We automate routine topics with the help of code generators. This means that our projects get off the ground faster and contain fewer errors.

Above all, we gain time that we can spend on the really interesting aspects of your project - after all, we want to solve the tough challenges together!

We generate many aspects of web projects automatically, including objects and database queries, many standard processes, interfaces and back-office UIs.

But we don't stop after one generation. Our generators allow software to evolve iteratively and also to be modified manually. In this way, we continue to develop by hand until everything works as it should.

And because there is not one big generator, but many small ones for different topics, we put them together individually for each project. Everything is assembled the way it fits best for the project.

Want more insight?

We'll give you a brief overview of our wunschlösung code generators and show you how we can use them quickly and efficiently to make your software dreams come true.

Our Tech Principles

Clean Architecture

Our projects are as diverse as our customers. That's why it's especially important for us that everything is in its place and that we maintain an overview. We therefore work with a uniform but extremely flexible software architecture: It's called "Clean Architecture" - and we love it!

Business structures and processes can be implemented largely without technical dependencies. This makes our solutions scalable and the system components interchangeable. In practice, this means that our solutions grow with you, even if the rest of the world changes.

By the way, this works equally well for lean microservices and for strong monoliths - here we decide together what suits you best.

Domain Driven Design

Because the core of our solutions revolves around the "domain", i.e. the technical world of the project, our software also contains exactly those objects and processes that are important in your business. We want to understand them and mold them as accurately as possible into software.

This sounds like a matter of principle - but it is not. That's why this approach even has its own name: Domain Driven Design. It allows us to easily implement most business requirements, even if they become more complicated or change over time - and hey, they always change at some point.

Did we mention that this also makes the code understandable and easily maintainable? That helps us all in the end.

Leading edge built-in

Because we can autogenerate so much code and use a uniform architecture, we also have plenty of features ready to go that other teams spend a lot of time on, yet we can easily enable when needed. For example:

  • Automated change tracking

  • Automated creation of audit trails

  • Dynamic attributes for objects

  • Flexible permission systems

  • Multilingual data

  • Convenient handling of images and binary data

  • Excel imports and exports

  • OAuth and OpenID Connect for Single Sign-On

  • Rendering and sending e-mails

  • Scheduled processes and asynchronous tasks

  • Cluster capability

  • Automatic caching of data

More on the topic of technology:

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ChatGPT - A glimpse into the future of software development?

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more a part of everyday life. But how do text generation programmes like ChatGPT affect the lives of developers?

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5 myths about microservices

Are you fans of microservices? Or do you prefer to work monolithically? Why is that? Simon has been thinking about this topic this week - and dispels 5 big myths in this area in our blog post.

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Women in IT - an interview with Eva

Women have always been an important part of IT. In this interview, learn more about the opportunities and obstacles Eva, our programmer, has faced.

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6 tips to protect yourself from cybercrime

28 January is European Data Protection Day. We have tips to help you successfully protect your data and reduce cybercrime.

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Women in IT - The Story of Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace played a major role in shaping modern computer technology. Discover her fascinating story and her groundbreaking contributions to IT here.

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World Backup Day 2021 - No Backup - No Mercy!

31 March is World Backup Day. Learn how to make effective backups and what happens when you don't.

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Why racism also plays a role in technologies and racial literacy can be part of the solution

On the occasion of the Day Against Racism, we want to look at the role of racism in technology and racial literacy as a way to improve it.

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Women in IT - The Story of Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper shaped the history of women in information technology and of IT itself. Learn more about her here.

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5 Open Source Alternatives to Google Analytics

On the occasion of European Data Protection Day 2021, here's info on 5 open source alternatives to Google Analytics.

Want to get to know us?

Foto von Simon, unserem Gründer

Simon Brandl

Our founder and managing director is an expert in IT and programming. He is considered an absolute tech all-rounder and knows how to successfully juggle even the most challenging projects. Do you have questions about the technology behind wunschlösung, or do you want to know how we can best implement your project idea? Simon is happy to share his experience and knowledge with you.

Make an appointment now for your professional tech-consultation and
project support. We usually get back to you the same day!

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